There are only a few days remaining to order your Little Caesars' Pizza Kits. All orders are due this Wednesday, September 12. Pizza delivery will be Friday, September 21 at the Middle School.
Funds raised will go directly to our AVID students, who are raising money to help pay for their ticket ($33) and transportation costs ($30) to attend the AVID Night at Knott's Berry Farm in November.
“It's a night where Knott's shuts down the park then reopens it for all AVID students across Southern California,” Middle School AVID adviser Naomi “Ms. O” Oyadomari said in a post on the organization’s Facebook page. “It's a huge and exciting night for our students to mingle and come together with hundreds of other AVID students who are committed to the AVID Program. Schools wear their School AVID shirts, and our students feel so proud to be a part of this huge program, and see so many like-minded students who are also in AVID.”
Teacher Chris Pennington has an order form at the elementary school Ms. O has the order forms at the middle/high school site.
You can also order online by going to Little Caesar's Fundraising and input our school Fundraising ID #: 356063
To order online go to: and click on: Ship my order to my group. Then input our Fundraising ID# 356063. Input your info, and pay online. Your pizzas will be ready to pick up on the day of Delivery at the Middle School.
Pizza delivery date is Friday, September 21 from 3-5 p.m.