School District Recognizes LVMHS Students of the Month Liam Hite and Miranda Navarrete


From left, Superintendent Peter Livingston, school board members Tom Courtney and Jessica Risler, Students of the Month Liam Hite and Miranda Navarrete, board president Chelsea LaGrange, board vice-president Jason Hansen and board member Jim Harvey. Photo by Olga Harvey

High School student Miranda Navarrete and Middle Schooler Liam Hite formally received their Student of the Month awards at the Thursday, March 13th meeting of the Lucerne Valley Unified School District’s Board of Trustees.

Middle/High School Assistant Principal Mr. Chris Watkins introduced the two honorees.


Mr. Watkins began his presentation by saying that the audience would learn the ‘why’ of education and recognizing student achievement.

“The word that keeps coming back from her teachers is ‘amazing,” Mr. Watkins said. “Miranda is an amazing student. Miranda is an amazing student who goes above and beyond. She’s very active in FFA, raising a lamb for the fair. She’s enrolled in the Ag’s and Mechanics class and recently competed in the VVC Construction Contest representing our school. She’s involved in Culinary Arts. She’s one of the top performing students in English class. She approaches her academics with dedication and insight of a true scholar. AND she got in full costume for the ‘Great Gatsby.’ She’s just a fabulous young lady that has been a joy to me, and we would love to recognize you as Student of the Month.” 


“Who loves a good comeback story?” Mr. Watkins asked the large audience who came to support the students. “Here’s your ‘why’. When tragedy strikes we don’t always know how people will respond. We can say we understand, but do we genuinely understand? I contest today that Lucerne Valley Unified School District does.

“We have a young man that had a personal and family tragedy and he had a tough time a really tough time academically and attendance. And the family rallied big, and the arms for Lucerne Valley Unified School District were even bigger. 

“Liam has been nominated by his teachers as vastly improved. Now he’s at school every day. He participates, he’s vocal in class and when it comes to motivating his fellow students during game play 
he displays great sportsmanship. He’s a pleasure to have in class. Liam made tremendous strides. He’s always eager to learn. Liam Hite is an enthusiastic student. He’s extremely dedicated and determined. He shows great effort, and he’s always kind to his peers.”


