Itzel Ramirez Hands Over President’s Gavel to Yanet Alcazar At FFA Banquet

Itzel and Yanet
Yanet Alcazar, left, was installed as the new Lucerne Valley FFA Chapter president as the Chapter and banquet attendees congratulated outgoing president Itzel Ramirez, right, for a job well done. Photo by Peter Day
The Lucerne Valley FFA Chapter again celebrated a busy school year of chapter accomplishments and personal milestones under the banner “We Are One” at the 2022-23 FFA Awards Banquet on Monday, April 24, 2023. 
Topping the bill was the emotional farewell of officers who served this past year followed by the installation of new officers. Chapter President Itzel Ramirez passed the gavel to 2023-24 Chapter President Yanet Alcazar. A number of other awards were handed out.
The rest of the new officers: Yanet Alcazar (President), Zoey Davis (Vice President), Arelyn Gonzalez (Secretary), Victoria Enright (Treasurer), Kimberly Mondragon (Reporter), Patricia Vick (Sentinel). 
Outgoing officers: Itzel Ramirez (president), Yanet Alcazar (vice-president), Zoey Davis (Secretary), Christian Gutierrez (Treasurer), Arelyn Gonzalez (Reporter), Ian Collins (Sentinel)
This year’s Mustang Ag Award went to Ian Collins.
Ian Collins
Ian Collins won the Mustang Ag Award.
The coveted FFA Honorary Degree was given the Mr. Nate Lambdin, the Middle High School’s co-principal and district Assistant Superintendent. Also receiving special recognition were office manager Andrea Moretz, Principal Jason Story, and CTE Coordinator Jessica Haecker. Advisors Ms. Danielle Hickman and Mr. Troy Van Bavel paid tribute to the district’s Maintenance and Operations staff, FFA parents, alumni, staff and teachers, the district office and school board members Tom Courtney, Jessica Risler, Chelsea LaGrange, Jason Hansen, and Jim Harvey.
Mr. Lambdin
Mr. Nate Lambdin, left, was given an Honorary FFA Degree.
Four-year members were recognized for their dedication. They are Ian Collins, Humberto Garcia, Carlos Monterrozo Rosales, Omar Fausto, Jose Mendoza, Trevor Walcyzk, Linda Cossio Avelar, Lucian Kennedy, Mariesther Davalos, Tatum Vacca, Jesse Gutierrez, Christian Gutierrez and Madeline Kline. 
Ms. Hickman presented the State FFA Degree to Itzel Ramirez. The Sash Awards were given to Ian Collin and Christian Gutierrez. This year’s Star Chapter Farmer was Zoey Davis. The Star Greenhand award went to Victoria Enright.
A number of other awards were presented including Seniors FFA Week Medals, San Bernardino County Fair awards, shop projects and the Victor Valley College Contest, Zoo Awards, Leadership Contests, Creed Contest, Job Interview and Star Awards.
Also at the event, the outgoing officers gave advisors Mr. Troy Van Bavel and Ms. Danielle Hickman appreciation gifts and hugs. In a touching display, the 2022-23 officers were presented by family members. Members of the district’s food services were thanked by the FFA for preparing a delicious meal of barbecue, baked potatoes, vegetables, salads and extremely tasty desserts.
Newly installed vice-president Zoey Davis won several other awards.
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The outgoing officers are given a round of applause.