Girls Volleyball Skills Clinic on March 5th

Lucerne Valley Middle School volleyball coaches Amanda Nichols and Sarah Courtney are conducting a Girls Volleyball Skills Clinic from 9 a.m. to 2 p..m. on Saturday, March 5th at the Sgt. Brian Walker Gymnasium at the Middle High School.
The clinic is for girls grades 5 through 11 and will focus on overall volleyball skills, fundamentals, hitting and block and 6-on-6 volleyball play.
Cost is $50 per person and will include a shirt, lunch and waters for the day. Event proceeds go back to the program for equipment and uniforms.
To register, please fill out and email the bottom of the registration form (see attached) to [email protected]. Payment can be made via Venmo at Sarah-Courtney-25 or cash in an envelope with the player’s name turned into the front office.
A PDF of the registration form to download is below.